I only send in plain text to get through. Enough to Google for sure. Good
Material. Cloud Control M. Experts who clean tracks to prevent this
kind of scrutiny. Lots of tracks way beyond our hard drive. Isn't that what
the internet is? Now cell phone wireless ip. Oh yes the future is here and
the real hacks and spooks reseed your cloud. Scary....and everlasting until
the final EMP.
Osugi is a major player. I have met him. I was scheduled to do a TV show
with him that did not transpire because Steve and I had a falling out. Steve
is in with Osugi heavy but Steve himself is a lightweight. He's totally
freaked at the spot he is in, so I am using him as a go between. Maybe more.
But these are good characters for a story M. A real techno thriller. The
best part is:
It's Fn REAL!!! Big time data merchants. Michael Raimund Gastauer III-
financier for not taxed entities. David-playing them both for position
Steven:oxycotin-that's why I call him the oxymoron. Tall guy. Plumber by
birth. Blue collar fox type with trophy wife. Wasn't smart enough for the
hustle. But had at least 5M.
Read my stuff. Global Clear BCR my removal from the company personally by
David. I have it all! How could I not resist Suzanne. Michael, she is
perfect for the book, The people are the most exact characters for this
fiction-techspyfi-I have ever seen. Money trails. Data sales. They sell
people to other people. Visa IDT is passé. We're talking extortionists. They
glean data habits of people and use it against them if necessary or
profitable. Great book. I know them! We could really do something
interesting don't you think? Now you know what I mean about Cloud Control.
Wait till one night your wondering if you will wake up!!!!!!
Let's do it. You like this stuff and I know it. I know when I got at least a
good nibble. And it would help my recovery of whatever ails me but maybe the
same for you too. Anyway, I want you to know I am not crazy and for awhile
had to write fast. One, preferably both, will be laying on the beach with
this type of real time fiction. That's why I thought of blogging it until
it would get picked up and we could have audience comments (of course
advertising to support the project).
It's an idea. I got a few. And I am going to the ark. With a few of
Charlie's ashes. You never know. But I think we could have a blast. Even on
BoyPuppy. That's psycho retro culture crash-disturbia material. That was
before the pcs internet and clouds. This is you stuff bro. We can mix
reality and fiction till the line is imperceptible. I love you. I don't know
what P likes to do but if we can pump a book we can get rich fast. This
is good stuff if we put ourselves to the project. One page a day times two
and you have a book book in 4 months. That's my way of thinking so I think
and pound hard. I would love the help and split the proceeds. Writing in
teams is hard but we have been in a very good stream of realationship and
these are the time to do it. Give it some thought for us all. LOL.
You have to save your emails.