Saturday, May 30, 2009
Better Off Alone
One for my gay brothers because I love the beat
Kimmie is my Rose.
She loved Elvis. Thank God for Cowboy Junkies when I start seizing.
Hang low. Be cool. See you on the other side.
I don't care about anything anymore. But I care about people. Living or dead so it makes no difference to me.
I love you forever Baby. Can't wait to see you!
Welcome to Idaho. Here we GooGoo
Who cares? Mikey? Makes it easy to write. Makes it easy to live. Makes it easy to die. My seizures are like electroshock. Strange worlds. I only have three pills left.
So I'm going to lollipop land. Sugar coated, hot sticky shaky. GooGoo land. I never lose consciousness. So I do know.
High Frontier a Strategy for National Defense Intro By Robert Heinlein

Robert Heinlein was a covert operator for the CIA by 1980. He liked the BoyPuppy LSD Experiments for the same reasons Leary did. I just liked to trip with them and some of the Lost Boys who had big mouths that wanted notoriety. Where do you think the Santa Cruz Legends came from?
BoyPuppy was MKULTRA3.0 carried out on Empire Grade. These experiments are still going on today. Only worse. Look around. Zombie Kings are real. It's done through digital flickering and pharmaceuticals. Makes LSD like Baby Food.
Author Name: Graham, General Daniel, Intro By Robert Heinlein
Title: High Frontier a Strategy for National Defense
Binding: Trade Paperback
Book Condition: Good
Edition: First Trade Pb
Size: 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall
Publisher: Tor 1983
ISBN Number: 0523480784 / 9780523480787
Seller ID: 0304001
1983 President Reagan called for "the means to render (nuclear) weapons obsolete." The most controversial defense initiative of the 1980's, derisively dubbed "Star Wars" by critics, Reagan saw it as "absolutely necessary to our sruvival and ... to assure our own nation and freedom a future on this planet." By former Deputy Director CIA. Intro by Robert Heinlein. This book gives a complete overview of the program from the strategy to the economics and treaty implications. 314 pp. CONDITION: Edges lightly rubbed. Tiny surfaces chips at places on front and rear covers. No crease in spine. Pages browning, clean and unmarked.
High Frontier a Strategy for National Defense General Daniel Graham CIA Ronald Reagan Administration Cold War Winning Robert Heinlein
About High Frontier
High Frontier is the nation's leading non-government authority on missile defense issues including missile defense, arms control, nuclear weapons, and strategic systems. Through our publications, research, congressional testimony and nationwide network of volunteers and supporters we provide a powerful voice that actively supports the deployment of an effective defense against ballistic missiles.
In 1982, High Frontier's founder, Lt. General Daniel O. Graham, published a report entitled, "High Frontier: A New National Strategy." General Graham's purpose was to seek answers in U.S. technology, especially space technology, to the strategic problems that plague the United States and the world. The foundation of High Frontier concepts was the abandonment of the suicidal and immoral strategy of Mutual Assured Destruction [MAD] for the concept of Assured Survival through the creation of effective defenses against ballistic missiles.
On March 23, 1983, President of the United States Ronald Reagan adopted General Graham's recommendations and voiced them to the world in his televised speech, "Defense and National Security." In his speech, President Reagan met the missile threat head on and called on America's community of scientists "to turn their great talents now to the cause of mankind and world peace, to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete." That night President Reagan began a new comprehensive research and development plan that manifested itself as the Strategic Defense Initiative [SDI], sometimes referred to as "Star Wars."
Despite President Reagan's bold initiative, despite the success of SDI in bringing down the Soviet Union, numerous budget cuts have whittled the SDI into the Missile Defense Agency, and America still has no defense against ballistic missiles. President Bush's initiatives hold out some hope, but much effort is being wasted on the land-based systems, which do not provide the most effective defenses, and worse, cost more.
High Frontier is a 501[c]3 non-profit organization dedicated by our charter to the study, research and education in the scientific, technical, military and strategic problems associated with foreign policy issues with an emphasis on space. High Frontier has always relied on grass roots support to fund our studies and educational efforts- in 1985, 66% of our funding came from individual contributions; today 90% of our funds come from individuals. All donations to High Frontier are 100% tax-deductible. Please visit our Contact page to make a donation to High Frontier
Robert A. Heinlein's Legacy

Science fiction at one time was despised as vulgar and "populist" by university English departments. Today, it is just another cultural artifact to be deconstructed, along with cartoons and People magazine articles. Yet one could argue that science fiction has had a greater impact on the way we all live than any other literary genre of the 20th century.When one looks at the great technological revolutions that have shaped our lives over the past 50 years, more often than not one finds that the men and women behind them were avid consumers of what used to be considered no more than adolescent trash. As Arthur C. Clarke put it: "Almost every good scientist I know has read science fiction." And the greatest writer who produced them was Robert Anson Heinlein, born in Butler, Mo., 100 years ago this month.
The list of technologies, concepts and events that he anticipated in his fiction is long and varied. In his 1951 juvenile novel, "Between Planets," he described cellphones. In 1940, even before the Manhattan Project had begun, he chronicled, in the short story "Blowups Happen," the destruction of a graphite-regulated nuclear reactor similar to the one at Chernobyl. And in his 1961 masterpiece, "Stranger in a Strange Land," Heinlein -- decades before Ronald and Nancy Reagan moved to the White House -- introduced the idea that a president's wife might try to guide his actions based on the advice of her astrologer. One of Heinlein's best known "inventions" is the water bed, though he never took out a patent.
Heinlein brought to his work a unique combination of technical savvy -- based largely on the engineering training he'd received at the U.S. Naval Academy and a career in the Navy cut short by tuberculosis in 1934 -- and a broad knowledge of history and foreign languages. Bemoaning the state of U.S. education in the 1970s, he wrote that "the three-legged stool of understanding is held up by history, languages and mathematics . . . if you lack any one of them you are just another ignorant peasant with dung on your boots." Heinlein was certainly no ignorant peasant.
Though he later became well known for his anticommunism, Heinlein in the late 1930s indulged in both leftist and isolationist politics. He sold his first science-fiction story in 1939 for $70, "and there was never a chance that I would ever again look for honest work." After Pearl Harbor, to his great disappointment, he was not called back into uniformed service. He ended the war at the Philadelphia Naval Aircraft Factory, working with fellow writers L. Sprague de Camp and Isaac Asimov.
From the late '40s to the late '50s, Heinlein mostly wrote adventure stories aimed at boys. Some, such as "Citizen of the Galaxy" (1957) and "Starman Jones" (1953), examine social and economic status with as jaundiced an eye as Tom Wolfe's. Others are comedies like the delightful "The Rolling Stones" (1952), which helped inspire the famous Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles."
In 1958, in response to what he saw as a liberal effort to weaken America's military, he set aside the "Sex and God" book on which he had been working and wrote "Starship Troopers." This was probably his most controversial book. In it he imagines a future society in which the right to vote must be earned by volunteering for service, including service in the military. In response to claims that the book glorifies the military, he wrote: "It does indeed. Specifically, the P.B.I., the Poor Bloody Infantry, the mudfoot who puts his frail body between his loved home and the war's desolation -- but is rarely appreciated."
Afterward, he finished the work he had set aside, and it became his second and possibly greatest masterpiece, "Stranger in a Strange Land." The book tells the story of a human child raised by Martians who is brought to Earth and discovers religion, lust and love, as well as politics, interplanetary diplomacy, legal shenanigans and life in a traveling carnival. The novel introduced the word "grok" into the vocabulary of the 1960s counterculture and seduced many of its members into reading some of Heinlein's other works -- writings that, in some cases, helped them to rethink the assumptions of hippiedom.
His next book was "Glory Road," another novel on the subject of duty, heroism and love. The first chapter not only sets up the story but includes one of the most eloquent and witty denunciations of military conscription ever written. In "Glory Road," his protagonist is magically transported from Earth, where he had been fighting "pragmatic Marxists in the jungle," to a fantasy universe where, armed only with sword and bow, he would rescue a priceless treasure. His guide and mentor is a woman of "ageless perfect beauty" who later turns out to be the Empress of the Twenty Universes. She explains to the hero that "so far as I know, your culture is the only semicivilized one in which love is not recognized as the highest art and given the serious study it deserves."
Heinlein's political beliefs were moving more and more toward the libertarian side of the spectrum. He supported Barry Goldwater in 1964, and in 1966 he published what many considered his greatest book, "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress," the tale of how penal colonists and their descendants on the Moon successfully revolt against their Earthly masters. The core of this book, which keeps it near the top of the libertarians' reading lists, is the speech by an old professor, Bernardo de la Paz, to the rebels' constitutional convention: " fire and fusion, government is a dangerous servant and a terrible master. You now have your freedom -- if you can keep it. But do remember that you can lose this freedom more quickly to yourselves than to any other tyrant."
The professor explains: "The power to tax, once conceded, has no limits; it contains until it destroys. I was not joking when I told them to dig into their own pouches. It may not be possible to do away with government -- sometimes I think that it is an inescapable disease of human beings. But it may be possible to keep it small and starved and inoffensive -- and can you think of a better way than by requiring the governors themselves to pay the costs of their antisocial hobby." As they say on the Moon, "TANSTAAFL!": "There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch!"
Heinlein's later novels were overshadowed by his failing health, and he often wrote on medical themes such as brain transplants and cloning. He was a strong supporter of blood drives and a big supporter of NASA's medical research projects. In the '70s, in a speech to the midshipmen at the Naval Academy, he said he thought that "patriotism has lost its grip on a large percentage of our population. . . . But there is no way to force patriotism on anyone. Passing a law will not create it, nor can we buy it by appropriating so many billions of dollars."
Robert A. Heinlein, who died in 1988, lived a life inspired by two great loves. One was America and its promise of freedom. As one of his characters put it: "Your country has a system free enough to let heroes work at their trade. It should last a long time -- unless its looseness is destroyed from the inside." And he loved and admired women -- not just his wife, Virginia, who provided the model for the many strong-minded and highly competent females who populate his stories, but all of womankind. "Some people disparage the female form divine, sex is too good for them; they should have been oysters."
In another hundred years, it will be interesting to see if the nuclear-powered spaceships and other technological marvels he predicted are with us. But nothing in his legacy will be more important than the spirit of liberty he championed and his belief that "this hairless embryo with the aching oversized brain case and the opposable thumb, this animal barely up from the apes will endure. Will endure and spread out to the stars and beyond, carrying with him his honesty and his insatiable curiosity, his unlimited courage and his noble essential decency."
Mr. Dinerman writes a weekly column for the Space Review.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Robert Heinlein
Hugo 1967, Internet Top 100
A recipe for starting a revolution, this was one of the hardest Hugo or Nebula winning books to find. I must have searched through 25 used book stores before I found a battered old copy. This was doubly surprising because Heinlein's other books are so ubiquitous and because this particular one was rated the best of the Hugo winners in an early Asimov collection. Was it because of the clear and practical suggestions on starting a political revolution? Like banning gun powder formulas so children won't hurt themselves? Was the Nixon administration secretly terrified enough to have the CIA buy and destroy all copies they could find?
Stay the fuck off my cloud Haebe
He is not allowed to carry a firearm anymore. Two days ago, I confronted him taking pictures of my cars and I said "February 21, 1989. Barbara Sue Proudley. I know you and I want you to stay the fuck away from me. I am having seizures so I will not be moving these cars.." I caught him taking pictures of these cars two years ago at three in the morning and I explained why they are parked there and why they don't have a disability placard in the window.
The recent incident freaked him. He thought I would not remember. He asked me what medications I was on. I told him it was not his business. He proceeded to tell he was on Lexapro and something else for depression. I asked him about the perp, Francisco Verella. He said "He's a hero down in Mexico for killing his wife up here. It was the most gruesome murder scene I ever witnessed." Sensitive guy but I got his number. People like to talk to me as I have stated.
I called cold case Santa Cruz. The detective there had been on the murder scene as well. He said he would never forget it. Neither will I because I an the one who had to clean it up. Barbara had an 18 year old's amputated dick shoved in her mouth. Of course, the kid was dead too.
The cold case detective said "Joe's a friend of mine but after I told him my story, he said "Well what we call friends in the department may be a little different than what you call a friend." Don't think so copper. Meet some of mine and we will compare notes.
So stay the fuck away from me Joe. I can psyche your psychotropic head to hell. You are just running out your pension. But you should be out on full disability. You tried to implicate me in my friend's death. I'll have you counting to ten backwards in Hebrew. You never did scare me nor did Frank but how did he get away when he was caught in Santa Ana. I mean walked right out of jail. I knew he was running drugs and people trans boarder.
Did you?
Amazing what you can do when you are dying. People let you trip. I put Barbie's picture in a bottle. It's an old juju thing my albino African friend from Barbados taught me, Keeps her close.
Can't wait to put Joe in the same bottle.
I'll have seizures by Sunday so, no, I don't give a fuck. I just symptomatic of an episode.
Oh Joe? I am in touch with Bob Norse. I'm going to discuss this on the radio. Care to join the conversation? Me with seizures. You with panic disorders. Could be good.
en) Cover-up of Police Murder of Homeless Man --Santa Cruz, CA,
Lyn Gerry (
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 13:17:19 +0000
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Note: to hear the eyewitness testimony recorded by a Free Radio Santa Cruz reporter, go to the A-Infos Radio Project
Police shot and killed Happy John the Hippie (John Calvin Dine) on Wednesday night, claiming he was "brandishing a toy gun." Yet their investigation makes no mention of at least seven witnesses who say otherwise.
"At one point he took what appeared to be a weapon from either his belly pack or knapsack & pointed it at the officers in a way that it appeared to the officers he would fire. He went to a combat stance as the Chief said."
--District Attorney Art Danner 11/13 Press Conference (from which alternate media Free Radio Santa Cruz, which broke the story & had contrary witness testimony was excluded)
"He went to his waistband...and drew a weapon in what was described as a combat stance and pointed the weapon at the officers." "All procedures and policies were followed" ---Police Chief Steve Belcher 11/13/97 Press Conference
THE EXCLUDED WITNESSES "Happy was holding nothing that I saw. " --Stacey Buckelew, witnessing from a parked car 30' away from the shooting
"The man didn't put his arms up or shout anything. I didn't see him display any type of weapon. Why would the cops shoot this guy if he didn't do anything?" --Alani Balawejder, New Leaf Market employee, witnessing from the roof of New Leaf, quoted in the 11/14 San Jose Mercury News
"They just walked up and blasted the guy....He told them to fuck off and they just literally blasted the guy, cold-blooded murder. Point blank at five feet. He had his hands down. There was no weapon in his hands." --Tom Murphy, man walking by, interviewed fifteen minutes after the shooting by Vinnie of Free Radio Santa Cruz at the scene of the slaying
"I don't think he had a weapon either." --unidentified male witness at the scene in the same interview (3 more witnesses are not quoted who agreed Happy John did not brandish a weapon)
PHONE IN UNTIL THEY ANSWER! Santa Cruz Mayor Cynthia Matthews and City Council: 408-429-3550 Santa Cruz Police Chief Steve Belcher: 408-429-3700 District Attorney Art Danner: 408-454-2400
FILE A COMPLAINT WITH THE CITIZENS POLICE REVIEW BOARD ! Phone in at 429-3263 or walk in at 915 Cedar 9 AM- 1 PM Mon-Thur Stay tuned to Free Radio Santa Cruz at 96.3 FM for updates (427-4523, call-in: 423-5361) Call a talk show (KSCO 479-1080) and demand justice! File complaints when you see or experience police misconduct!
Flyer by HUFF (Homeless United for Friendship & Freedom) 408-475-2012 11/14/97
Homeless United For Friendship & Freedom (408)423-HUFF Fax 429-8529 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Fri, Nov 14, 1997 Santa Cruz, Ca. USA
Brandishing and Combat Stance Not substantiated by 6 Eye Witnesses Police and DA had own witness "Along for the Ride" The Police shot and killed of John Calvin Dine, a formerly homeless man, who three witnesses described as unarmed and non-threatening. Later identified as John Dine, "Happy John the Happy Hippie", the victim reportedly died of gunshot wounds to the abdomen an hour and a half later at Dominican Hospital.
A witness, Tom Murphy, in an interview broadcast several hours later on Free Radio Santa Cruz (96.3 FM) reported the shooting seconds after the victim asked for spare change from a passing stranger. One witness, interviewed on Free Radio Santa Cruz (96.3 FM) stated "he was just sitting on this wall. Two cops drove up, jumped out with their guns drawn, said 'Hey you. Get the hell off the wall. " The man jumped down from the wall, his hands at his side and said "Fuck You". Then one cop shot him twice in the chest. The other cop looked dumbfounded, just staring in amazement. He couldn't believe what the other cop had done."
"Happy Hippie" John, as he was known to the regulars on Pacific Avenue, had his own, special response to his homelessness, his speech impediment, and his brain damage -- he was stuck in the late 60's during the summer of love. Stuck in virtual bliss, always ready to give a peace sign, and with no malice for anyone. Claiming to be a regular Rainbow gathering devotee, John practiced non-violence even as a response to the injustices he, and other homeless people must endure nightly. He had slept at the City Hall Sleepers Protest in 1996, receiving sleeping ban tickets there to protest the Sleeping Ban law. He endorsed the Sleeping Ban Repeal Initiative filed with the city on the morning after his death.
The rumor on the streets about Happy John was he had taken WAY too much LSD at some point in his life, and had worn love beads and bellbottoms ever since. Happy John thought Santa Cruz was "real groovy." Recently he had been seen at the Metro station, playing his Beatle songs on his boombox, a paisley head band on his head, and a smile on his face. No one ever asked why they call him "happy" John after meeting him.
The police reported John had been waving a gun and threatening two kids on skateboards earlier in the day. One of John's "victims" was claimed by Lt. Joe Haebe to have been " in the back seat of the police car at the time and had an excellent view of the shooting." At a press conference given by the District Attorney's office, Police Chief Steven Belcher reported statements given by two witnesses, corroborated police reports on the incident. Six witnesses to the shooting, not considered by Police, all reported his hands were empty at the time of the shooting. Two witnesses reported he was shot after saying "Fuck you" One of John's friends, said John did own a toy gun -- a clear red plastic squirt gun. Police claimed finding a toy gun near the body. It was black.
The Committee to Repeal the Sleeping Ban "I think that something should be done to interrupt the sleep of people who pass such laws." --- Howard Zinn at an event hosted by the Resource Center for Nonviolence 10/25/96 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Fri, Nov 14, 1997 457-9754 ext. 182 ***** PO Box 1735, Santa Cruz, Ca. 95061 ***** fax(408)429-8529 Sleeping Ban Repeal Initiative, filed with the City of Santa Cruz Will Legalize Sleep/use of Blankets
As District Attorney Art Danner in conjunction with Police Chief Steve Belcher convened a press conference to pacify the public over the shooting Death of "Happy John" Dine by police on Wednesday evening, The Committee to Repeal the Sleeping Ban filed its notice of intent to circulate a petition to Repeal both the Sleeping Ban and the Blanket Ban portions of the cities anti-homeless Camping Ban Law. Happy John, a well-known, sometimes homeless, fixture on Pacific Ave. had been gunned down on Front St. by Officer Conner Carey of the SCPD. "Happy" John Dine had been ticketed under the Sleeping Ban as part of last year's City Hall Sleepers Protest, a vigil against the Sleeping Ban. He supported the initiative, claiming police had used the law to harass both himself and others.
It is fitting that we begin to gather signatures of the 3700 registered Santa Cruz City voters at this time, to put the initiative on the November 1998 General Election ballot. Santa Cruz City Council, which passed the original Sleeping and Blanket bans in 1978, has refused to reconsider them in spite of extensive homeless protest, a city shelter emergency, and pressure last winter from Celia Scott and 2 other Council members for a Winter Shelter Emergency Exception.
If 10% of the registered voters in Santa Cruz sign petitions to put the Initiative on the November ballot in the next six months, the voters will for the first time be able to directly express their will on the issue. If successful, this will be the first time any city in the United States has used the initiative process to repeal a Sleeping Ban. Please Donate now! Funds needed to publish notice of intent, print Petitions,pay signature gatherers,expand phone lines, and get online. Make all checks payable to: The Committee to Repeal the Sleeping Ban For more information contact Becky Johnson at 408-429-8529 or David Silva at 429-5284.
Partial list of those endorsing the Initiative: Santa Cruz Action Network,Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, Regional Alliance for Progressive Policy, The Green Party of Santa Cruz County, The Los Angeles Coalition to End Hunger and Homelessness, Coalition on Homelessness, San Francisco, BOSS, Berkeley, Paul Brindel of the Community Action Board, Geronimo (Pratt) Ji Jaga, Rev. Wiley Drake of Buena Park, Ca.,Keith McHenry of S.F. Food Not Bombs, Former Governor Jerry Brown, San Jose Community Homeless Alliance Ministry, Joe Grossman of Community TV, Ida Robinson of Families with a Future, Sandy Brown of the Fair Share Network, Paul and Harriet Blue, Carol Denney, PeopleUs Park Activist, Elaine Charkowski of the Cabrillo Voice, Elizabeth Cable, Bernard Klitzner of the Peace and Freedom Party, Theodora Kerry of the Hemp Council, Bob DeBolt of radio station, KZSC, Robert Norse of Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom, Kate Wells, City Hall Sleepers Protest pro bono attorney, Ray Glock-Grueneich, David Beauvais, civil rights attorney, Mr. Twister, Mike Sheridan of the River St. Refugees, Dr. Benet Luchion of the Toxic Network, Ed Frey, Robert Flory, Sleeping Ban activist, Peter Stafford of the Homeless Garden Project, Lonna Merklinghaus of Citizens Committee for the Homeless, Tom Musselwhite of Project Recover, Eugene, Or.,Paul Johnson of the ACLU, Jennafer Waggoner, editor of Making Change (Santa Monica), Laura Tucker of California Homeless Civil Rights Action Network and Alan Brady, hemp activist,Terry Messman,Street Spirit, S.F. Dr. Paul Lee, co-founder of The Citizens Committee for the Homeless, Geronimo Pratt, and many more.
Repost of earlier story:
Tonight (Wednesday November 12) around 7 p.m. at Soquel and Front Streets in downtown Santa Cruz, Officer Conner Carey fired two or three bullets into a local street person, alternately known as Happy John, Happy Day, or Happy Dave. Three witnesses, who were interviewed within minutes of the shooting by Free Radio Santa Cruz reporter Vinnie, said that Happy was doing nothing offensive or aggressive, when a police car skidded up to where he was standing next to the bus stop in front of Coast FederalBank, and two or three cops jumped out. A moment later Happy was dying on the sidewalk. A witness I interviewed named Aloni Balawejer, who viewed the whole incident from the rooftop of nearby New Leaf Market where she was taking a break from her work, said that Happy stood there with his arms at his side as the police car stood up, three cops jumped out of the car and immediately she heard three shots. After ducking herself out of fear of being hit, Alonie said she saw the cops clustered around Happy John, not giving him any emergency first-aid. Later police contended that they'd received a report of a man with a gun who had threatened skateboarders a block away with some unknown weapon. Lt. Joe Haebe said that a complaiant riding in the back seat of the police car at the time of the shooting identified Happy as the suspect. Police allege Happy had something in his hand that he was fidgeting with, refused to be still when requested, and then whipped out an unknown object--at which point Officer Carrie Conner shot him at least twice. Alonie said that Happy (confirmed as the dead man--he died soon after at Dominican Hospital of multiple gunshot wounds) had been standing about in the same area for ten minutes, made no threatening moves and was shot without any verbal interchange with the police. Witness Larry Reddeck said he was sitting across the street rolling a cigarette, saw the police car roll up and said there were shots before the cop got out of the car. Another witnesses, Tom Murphy, said police demanded the suspect "get the hell of the wall and keep moving"; he said "fuck you", and they "blasted him at 5' away". The witness said he heard him ask for spare change, then fifteen second later, the cop car pulled up, the interchange about the wall occured, and Happy was killed. Murphy said that police strip searched Happy John, without treating his wound. Happy was a homeless person, a supporter of the Santa Cruz 1996 City Hall Sleepers Protest vigil against the City's anti-homeless Sleeping Ban. He was known to be a particularly friendly and sociable person, almost frantically so. He was not known to carry weapons although a close friend said he had been known to carry a red squirt gun, easily distinguishable from a real weapon. Police claimed to have found a gun, later amended to a "toy gun" at the scene. Media reports continued to ignore most witnesses who said Happy had made no threatening moves and apparently been killed without provocation. Happy was widely regarded as a kind of beatific "holy fool" and widely held in much affection by diverse members of the Santa Cruz downtown community. Alternate media representatives Phil Freen, Vinnie the V Man, and Robert Norse were refused access to the district attorney's press conference on Thursday the 13th. The official police line that Officer Carrie justifiably killed Happy after the latter "threatened" him with a toy gun that looked real has becom the media line. The media has made no mention of alternate accounts, either on television and in the Sentinel (11/13). Last year about the same time, another homeless man died in police custody in Westside Santa Cruz of "acute cocaine excitability" after he was pepper-sprayed. The coroner's report said they had severe contusious around his head where he had allegedly beat his own head against a brick planter repeatedly, but strangely made no mention of pepper-spray.
phone zap please, repost widely to Police Abuse, Rainbow, Homeless, Justice - thanks
PHONE IN UNTIL THEY ANSWER! Santa Cruz Mayor Cynthia Matthews and City Council: 408-429-3550 Santa Cruz Police Chief Steve Belcher: 408-429-3700 District Attorney Art Danner: 408-454-2400
call the DA M-F 8am - 5pm. call and support that the officer, Connor Carrie, be charged with manslaughter.
I'm Libran. Venus is my Star. Call me Lucifer the Light Bearer

It's good to read the Bible to make sense of the symbols. I am Libran (October 4). My star is Venus. I am Lucifer the light bearer. The Illuminatus.
Come join me for a little study
(Hebrew helel; Septuagint heosphoros, Vulgate lucifer)
The name Lucifer originally denotes the planet Venus, emphasizing its brilliance. The Vulgate employs the word also for "the light of the morning" (Job 11:17), "the signs of the zodiac" (Job 38:32), and "the aurora" (Psalm 109:3). Metaphorically, the word is applied to the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12) as preeminent among the princes of his time; to the high priest Simon son of Onias (Ecclesiasticus 50:6), for his surpassing virtue, to the glory of heaven (Apocalypse 2:28), by reason of its excellency; finally to Jesus Christ himself (2 Peter 1:19; Apocalypse 22:16; the "Exultet" of Holy Saturday) the true light of our spiritual life.
The Syriac version and the version of Aquila derive the Hebrew noun helel from the verb yalal, "to lament"; St. Jerome agrees with them (In Isaiah 1.14), and makes Lucifer the name of the principal fallen angel who must lament the loss of his original glory bright as the morning star. In Christian tradition this meaning of Lucifer has prevailed; the Fathers maintain that Lucifer is not the proper name of the devil, but denotes only the state from which he has fallen (Petavius, De Angelis, III, iii, 4).
Why did the KJV use the term “Lucifer” and modern versions the term “morning star”?
The term Lucifer came to us by way of Jerome’s Latin Bible, the Vulgate, which the KJV
translators sometimes used for their own translation.
Do you know that the Latin word for morning star is “Lucifer”? This word was used to
refer to Venus, the morning star, “the shining one,” “the light bearer.”
So what did Jerome intend when he translated the Hebrew word hilel as Lucifer? He
only intended the meaning to indicate “the morning star.” As Jerome saw it, Lucifer meant
nothing more than a designation of the planet Venus (the morning star) which brightly
shines and precedes or accompanies the rising of the sun.
That’s why in Isaiah 14 the prophet likens the glory of the king of Babylon to the bright-
ness and dominance of Venus in the morning sky. This was an apt description of the pride
the king perceived and projected. He had become so vain as to think of himself as a God
who resides in the heavens (Isaiah 14:13). Yet God Himself now tells the king in his arro-
gance that far from being a God in heaven, he will instead be violently thrown down to the
earth and perish (vv. 12, 15). To indicate the severity and permanence of the king’s ruin,
Isaiah depicts the king falling to earth as if the morning star (the Latin word is Lucifer) itself
were falling from its place in the heavens, quenching its brightness and forever destroying
its glory (v. 11)
I even make the Jehova's Witness nervous. I am in the WatchTower. You Christians don't study. You parrot deception. God Luck in the afterlife.
Jimmi was Jehovah. Jah
Friday, May 29, 2009
Back to BoyPuppy Tomorrow
Friend of mine. The girl who got her throat slit. The detective. Me and him have a snear campaign going on. I'm going to out him big time now that he can't carry a firearm.
Some people thinks he's a killer too.
Oh Santa Cruz. You're secrets have to do with drugs and death. I should know.
Filmed in Santa Cruz-Acid USA
Can't anyone get sued anymore?

LifeWave rankings
SuzanneSomers rankings
LifesMiracle rankings
David-stick to being a data theft scam artist
Suzanne-silly putty works as well as plastic
Stephen-go back to plumbing
Boy you people are assholes. Especially when David sucked you up.
Stephen, how was the lawsuit. Got a few going after you but it looks like you're going broke.
Suzanne, you do see how you got took sweetie.
And David now that you instituted legacy for my group, were going to sue the shit out of you. I have all of Stephens emails where he indicates the illegalities. He's the extortionist but you are a criminal.
I just want to spin my emails. You guys all talk too much. Sue me. Who gives a shit. I have all kinds of details and I'm waiting for the chance.
Whole Lotta Fuckheads!
I made four dollars too much this month
More heroin and lsd and crank here than anyplace I have been. And the best. Notice the economy driving down. Especially when drug dealers are hurting. That is what I think is funny. Lot of people are anarchists looking to see this place eat it.
Me, I think Santa Cruz is it's own lunch. Cheap at that. No I do not care.
Goes around, comes around. Santa Cruz's motto is "Keep Santa Cruz Weird". Pathetic. It's not even cute. They let people die in the streets here because people only pretend to care.
What do I care? I've been to nicer places, weirder places and met much nicer people. But I am going to stay. I have been in and out of Santa Cruz for thirty years and , even in my shape, I bet I make it longer that this place.
Ha! Ha!
This is who I miss everyday

Mom loves you Kim
The guy did only 2 weeks in jail. Justice has a price tag. So does life.To whom it may concern:
I am Kimberly Ann Keller's Mother. My name is Phyllis Keller. I will always be Kim's Mother. I also have a husband Spike, four other daughters, numerous grandchildren, and many others in my family. So I have to protect them. This a Mother's job. We are good people.
I have never had to bury a child. I pray to God I never have to again. Kim is my first born. So I don't know what a Mother is supposed to do when this happens. I have prayed about this many times. I have always prayed for Kim and all my family. Being a Mother means more than praying.
I know that there are people that have jobs to do. I pray for them too. Police, prosecutors and defense lawyers and newspaper people. But I want everyone to know that I have a job to do. My job did not end on that day. Therefore, why has no one asked me what I know about my daughter Kim? Is it not important what a Mother knows?
Here is what I know. Kim would not have taken her life, Mike's life or anyone else on that road that night. How do I know? Because I am her Mother. Kim is my first born child. I had a good relationship with her. I know my daughter. Maybe that is not proof. But it is the truth. My job is to make sure you get to the truth and that the truth is told.
There are many people that don't feel the truth has not been told. Many people will miss Kim because they knew her as a person who would never hurt anyone. Many people who would like a chance for you to listen to what they know about the truth. They know she was happy and had plans for her life. They do not know what to do.
So they ask Kim's Mother. I do not know what to say and that is painful. I have never been through this before and I pray to God I will never go through it again. A Mother has a right to justice. The truth for my daughter Kimberly Ann Keller. She is my first born and I will always protect her from undue harm. Because I will always love her. Just ask any Mother.
Phyllis Sue Keller
This is where I grew up
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I don't care what any of you think of me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009't get bit

I not afraid of demons, bullshit, scam artists or lawyers. I think the worst out there are people selling hope and plying religion as an emotion. "Oh Susanna, o don't you cry for me"
Cry for yourself. You got hustled. You are better than that girl. Sick people want to get better. They are hurt by false hope. That is cruel. I know.
By | Robert |
Anytime I hear about current applications of medical Nano technology, Bioenergy, and Acupuncture Meridians my skeptical brain goes into overdrive. A quick search on the Internet for LifeWave revealed the product as a Hoax and the creator, Mr. Schmidt, as a fraud. Refer to for more information.
My personal recommendation is not to buy this book. [...]
This is just my personal opinion based on many years of investigation into better health. In the end, you'll have to decide for yourself what products you purchase.
Marie Moreno says:
Re: where are my boys and girls
----- Original Message -----From: Justin CaseTo: babycakesSent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 8:10 PMSubject: Re: where are my boys and girlsHow do you think I got the seizure meds? I don't want to take them but I have no choice. I have had to be ambulanced three times and have had five life threatening seizures. I have a lawyer and a patient care advocate. They released me one night and I had a full blown seizure at the house.This is a form of epilepsy that resulted from an injury in 1982. I am gathering information because I am trying to get to the root of the problem. I usually went episodic about once every five years. I never had a string like this. I had to piss in the tub with my clothes on. And they just kept sending me home.So I am hanging low. They have refused me an mri or a cat scan and it was just in the last two days they gave me the meds! That is why they won't diagnose me further,. I am pissed, lethargic from the meds, lost all my social contacts because I looked like death in the freezer. Nothing fits me and I am at 128. But they said it was anxiety while they refused a cat scan! I know better. Thanks to my union.
How sick is that BabyCakes?That time maybe what 2 years ago was the first episode since 1993. So I thought they were over. I think it is cruel how they treated me or rather did not treat me. It sure made me have humility for people going through this stuff. That's why I was writing so hard.Staying alive. Every motor neuron was misfiring for 4 weeks and they had done nothing about it!I will send you the documentation. Could use your help?Going Healthcare. All the way.Other than that, I'm fine. At least I am not seizing.
This is the loneliest and scared I have ever been. I can't talk on the phone because I am slurring and it makes me episodic from listening through in one ear. So I guess you will have to type to talk. I've been poked so many times my arms look like a pincushion. So I know what people are thinking of me. You know I am sensitive.----- Original Message -----From: Justin CaseTo: babycakesSent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 4:08 PMSubject: Re: where are my boys and girls
Hi JustinIf you can talk call me. I dont want to bug you. Did you see a Dr? I wonder why you are getting seizures,I worry about you!!!!!! You need a women's touch! Hope to see you soon. We love you! Be well.BabyCakesFrom: Justin CaseTo: babycakes>
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 1:57 PMi am not dead. if i was, then you would really have a scoop you know.i'm on seizure meds. i am getting medical help in process. but i will be ok. i am tough.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Heinlein's House on Bonny Doon Road
Most of the people standing outside were doing acid looking in. I was doing acid looking out. Sure it was the late 70's and this was after all part of the college scene.
This is right off Empire Grade for those that don't know. I think they got to him not vice versa. Somebody was supplying the drugs. He didn't have any sources I can tell you that.
But much like Dog a real Libertarian. Dog always was a real trip, if you get my drift. Love you Dog but I want you to look closely.

We went from the acid scene to the rise of fundamentalism and high commodity televangelism. Why did his writing change so much. He was sick during this time and was looking for material. That's why he met me. I was a real character.
I know he was an atheist and stood against the rise of the evangelical machine but Dog and I know they work you from both sides so you got screwed either way.
That's why I like my Big Brother. My human one. He couldn't stand evangelicalism or Heinlein's new stuff. Most people loved one and hated the other. Dog and I know that's how they work the masses. It's called polarization. It screws up the social brain.
No wonder you stayed sane, bro. You know I whacked from both sides, eh? At least now you do.
We are now the outcome of those experiments I fear.
BabyCakes knows I'm not an ant Semite. But all this shit is bouncing back right now. My father also contributed greatly to the formation of the Undivided Eternal City through CBN. He contributions started in 1980.
If you don't think the CIA and Israel are heavily integrated, I don't care. Not time for that now. If you don't think that Israel is heavily involved in American lobbying, you are just plain stupid.
What does this have to do with Heinlein? Who knows. It has to do with me, what I was going through then and what my Dad was going through. I just know he was getting progressively more disturbed by the condition of his life and all the psycho sexual religious kooks and spooks hanging out on the perimeter of the property. He was feeling invaded.
But I will tell you more about the history of modern Israel later. Getting tired.

30th July, 1980

Tue., May 26, 2009 Sivan 3, 5769

I love Jerusalem. I want to get to Yerevan, Armenia through Jerusalem. So do the Palestinians. The have rights too. My friend Naim is Palestinian. Jerusalem is the most contested piece of real estate on the planet since 1000 BC. I know the Bible well. So did Robert.
oh yes you know the Bible but how well do you know yourself. In fact how well do you know the Bible if you don't even know your own brother.
Robert Heinlein summer 1978
You have brothers.
I have one that read a lot of your books.
What is he like
Like the archangel.
I'm not really sure but he is really smart.
His questions were statments. God is like that you know. Doesn't ask, comments. Ponders.
I do not want you to feel cursed.
So all this stuff I am writing about has to do with a conversation I had with him that came too true. Sue me. I'm already dead. I think it was learning Hebrew that started the seizures again. It is a very sacred language to me. Those kinds of concepts cause my brain to flicker. And become intuitive.
Good night Charlie. Different one. Me and my bro know him well. Sleeps with his father. Love you Daddy O.
Santa Cruz' status in the 1970s as the "murder capital of the world"

Don't Haunt Me Because I'm Beautiful: Filmmaker Stephanie Michel is taking her chances trying to make a feature film about the curse of Santa Cruz.
The Ghost Stays In the Picture
One woman's screenplay ties together the many legends of a Santa Cruz curse
STEPHANIE MICHEL has the kind of looks--pearly teeth, blonde hair, tanned skin--you'd expect from a model/actress who's done commercials for Diet Coke and rock videos for the Scorpions and the Stray Cats. And, of course, she has.
But Michel, who also does standup comedy and has written a sitcom, left all that behind when she moved to Santa Cruz to embark on a weird and wonderful quest: tracking the curse of Santa Cruz..
She also lets slip that Santa Cruz' status in the 1970s as the "murder capital of the world" is linked in the screenplay to the curse, as are many of the area's turn-of-the-century ghost stories.
"But I'd like Lost Boys director Joel Schumacher, as well as Kiefer Sutherland, to take a look and give us footage from the Lost Boys set, on which lots of freak things happened." She laughs, then gets serious. "I'd rather have my blood sucked and stay up all night for eternity than have my entire heritage taken. Greed far surpasses the evil of fangs and blood sucking."

Do you know where Lost Boys was filmed Dog? Pogonip. Oh sure this may be all bullshit. But that would mean I probably have a better screenplay than this chick. Do you know why it is it was lost boys and not girls? Certainly was not a gay thing. How many boys disappeared on Empire Grade just up the Grade from the college? Some of them were my friends.
Why BoyPuppy? That's the way we would follow them around on acid. Beyond that, I am just sorting it out. Are you familiar with the Upper Meadows in the Pogonip near the quarry rocks where they performed Satanic rituals? I'll show you when I get better.
I know where these legends started. I was hanging out with them. Thanks for not believing me. You know it's true. I'm sorry about your family relationship to Richard Helms but he is dead now Dog. Tell me the truth. Are you a spook? It's OK. I'm a little spooky too. Same reason you are. They got to me.
During the House Select Committee on CIA/Mafia Assassination plots, Helms admitted in 1979, under oath, that Clay Shaw worked for the CIA, a claim Shaw initially denied. Shaw was a suspected conspirator in John Kennedy's assassination.
Remember Dog. I need your help on this one. I have known you too long for you to back up from the truth.

Click the picture Dog. Small area. It is all I have to show you

Click this picture. Killer of young men. The Clown Man. Were you ever there? I don't know if he was a kook or a spook but he picked me up hitchhiking once. Up the Grade from the college.
He knew these guys. All of them. How about you? I know the legends. I know them all. Even you my friend. No accident we know each other is it.
Did you think it all stopped? We were too close to the source Dog. What about now?
Just be careful up there would you Little Charlie? I mean it.
Marijuana Ink
Oh sure, PayPal transfers and prepaid Visa cards and NetSpend with aliases may be a little marginal but certainly information is not illegal right. I figured it all out. Check it out when you use Visa on the phone. What informational does it ask you for. Not much.
Amazing what you learn from spooks along the way.
I told the brokers the price would drop. I was right. Supply increased and a lot of middle class people going through the foreclosure crisis are more willing to get risky. So business was good.
Too many teenage soccer boys got caught in the loop. Can't blame them but I told my clients that is one area I WON'T participate in shielding. One, I know it will bring the heavy heat and, two, can't ethically work around it. Three, it brings FlashBacks and it causes seizures but I don't tell them that.
Since I didn't grow, I became a cover, which was cool, because I knew how to collect if things went GooGoo. It's a weird business. Fun really. But I am looking at working with the brokers to drive down prices hard. Tired of working with desperate middle class growers who have kids and are just trying to pay the mortgage. So I am one of the ones playing the commodity price drive down game. Little like short selling stocks.
Check out CraigsList. Once you figure out how to use Visa the game gets hot and sticky. That's why I call it GooGoo.
Don't use your own card. Don't use a rechargable card. Use PrePaid, one time only cards. That's advice that could make you a lot of money and keep you out of a Federal prison. People are growing way over the limit. They are desperate and they don't understand the conflicts of law that have developed. They think it is legal. It's a data collection spook game now, trust me.
I would know, don't you think.
Don't trust the Attorneys General Eric Holder's statements. It only covers dispenseries and some are definitely spook operations for the Feds to collect data. I don't trust Obama on this one. He is not in control of the game. Been going on since the 60's.
Why? People grow up, go into other businesses, all sorts of things that put them out of the business. For me, my seizures got worse not better. I thought it would have the reverse effect but I was wrong. I hadn't smoked in a long time but I did start again when Kim got killed.
I can grow some kick ass shit though. White widow. 24% THC. That's what I am now anyway.
White widower. But I really can't smoke now.
Lot of data extortionist in the business now. They have ATM's at the dispensaries. How fucking stupid can you be. Just stop at the bank before you get there. People think I'm paranoid.
I think they are hooked and want to play the money game. But nobody's paying $550.00 and ounce now unless they are getting it at the dispensaries. They think that makes it legit and consumerist but I know better. That's what I thought about going to college and look what happened to me.
Getting $430.00 oz. in Michigan now. I couldn't believe. Not for long. Especially if I get there. Funny thing is, I trust the Amish. They don't get in thy neighbors business and they know what I am talking about when I am talking Bible, spooks and Federal government.
So I am putting a house deal together in the Cruz. Silent partner. Prices are taking a big hit here. 50% of all Alt A mortgages originated on the Left Coast. So it is boom down. That's the strategy I am playing. But because of the Federal attachments to the mortgage, I am not stupid enough to grow here. Land contract in Amish land maybe. Yes, I use a generator when I live up there. They are cool with that!
Cali economy is shrinking fast. It's not a recession anymore. Marijuana, real estate and technology transfer are making this the jungle but I like it better actually.
I don't know anything about dying. but I do know something about demons and angels and the thin slice of reality I am living. Thinner by the day. I thought it was from reading Daniel. I could tell the future by reading the past.
Suddenly I found myself in neither. That's why I got ahold of my brother. He read a lot of Heinlein and I hadn't seen him since our Dad died in 2000. He's the smartest person I ever knew but big deal. I have known a lot of smart people. He's the kindest and you don't run into that often in my world. I had a seizure downtown and nobody helped me but I don't go unconscious. I heard someone saying "Does he have AIDS?" So I didn't want anyone to help me. I just laid there until I could get up.
That was 1993, Brother. It's not new. It's episodic. Probably getting worse. I know my spelling is getting bad. So I use spell checker unless I am writing you. Because I want you to watch out for that. Means I could be symptomatic and I am the last one to know. Hard to make friends that way. Hard to have a wife too.
My nightmares are about spooks poking around in my brain and putting things in there. That's why I say it is my heart. I am not going to do anything about it.
Pop Culture. The new interpretation of the Torah. Not so new either. But most people can't see it.
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