June 25, 2009
Dr. Dorosin
1661 Soquel Dr.
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
RE: Introductory Visit 2:30PM
Statement of Symptoms
My first recollections of symptoms occurred in 1982. I was hit by a rear view mirror on a truck going at a slow speed. I had a seizure that cause my body to tremble uncontrollably about 2 days after the incident. I made the association to the accident but have no verification of that correlation. It was traumatic but not violent. I experienced no real significant pain from the incident. This was the left side of my head on the temple.
I would have these type of seizures about every 5-7 years and have had no treatment or follow up. In 1993, I had my most severe incident to that date. I passed out in downtown Santa Cruz. I got extremely sweaty and began to tremble and then passed out. I received no help and I am not sure of the time frame but I am assuming only minutes because there was a crowd around me. I also knew they were uncomfortable of helping me because I remember some comments I heard as I was coming to.
My next incident was in 1998 with the same type of symptoms. I would sweat profusely and elevate (a reference to my mind becoming jumbled and my heart racing) and passing out. I had not other incidences until mid 2002. I thought perhaps they had subsided.
In 2002, I woke up and was choking on my vomit. I assumed I was sick by I was extremely lethargic and disorientated. Because of my age and general good health, I would recuperate easily so I tried not to pay much attention. I was an avid biker and runner. I also smoked but did not drink and had a good diet.
In 2006, I suffered something unusual but seemingly related. I woke up with an extreme headache and realized I was droopy on my left side of my face. I also has trouble eating and was intermittently slurring my words. This is when I began my weight loss. I was generally comfortable but I realized that eating and talking were problematic so I didn't do much of either. I changed my diet and got a medical marijuana recommendation to begin to control the symptoms. I had lost my health insurance the year before and could not afford other types of treatment. I also quit eating meat because for some reason my immunities or digestion seemed to have changed quite dramatically. This was the first time having these occurrences that it took a long time of convalescence. I went from 165 to 145 pounds. Because of the slurring I began to make excuses for my speech and I wore double layers of clothing to compensate for the weight loss. During this period, I would occasionally experience extreme stomach aches including massive and immediate breakouts of cold sweats. I would be drenched through my layers of clothes. But afterward, I felt calm, tired and present. I had no other occurrences until this year May 2009.
My first incident I was on the telephone and had to get off immediately. I was drenching in sweat and beginning to pass out. I went to my room and fell in the bed. I began to have disturbing hallucinations and extreme pains in my heart. I had shallow breathing and was simply trying to stay conscious. I was trembling and sweating. It would be hard for me to determine if I passed out because I was alone. I finally managed to get out of bed and went to the bathroom and was throwing up and could not stand up so I went in the tub and urinated and threw up with my clothes on because it was the best I could do. I thought I had a heart attack. My mother had a history of a double major in her sixties and that was my thought of what happened. I was exhausted and I knew it would be a difficult recuperation.
Without health insurance, I used hot lines to describe my symptoms because they were not fully subsiding. I was lethargic, dizzy and prone to uncoordinated motions and seemingly hallucinogenic thoughts. I also started having flashbacks of the past. Two days later, I had an exact similar attack at a neighbors, I told him to call 911 as I was not able to do it myself. Excruciatingly disoriented, in extreme right side pain which I associated with my heart. I could not move. I was immobilized on the floor but I don't think I lost consciousness. In emergency, it was indicated that it was not my heart but I had trembling and they gave me Valium and sent me home at 5:50AM. I had symptoms all day and had another full blown seizure and called 911 myself. Same indications of no heart trouble. Sent home again.
By this time I was using suicide prevention at night because I had no other resources. I was not thinking clearly at all and assumed I must be subconsciously trying to kill myself. My dates may be out of line but the ambulance charges reflect the occurrences. So about a night later, I woke up and could not breathe. I panicked. I, for some reason, could not smoke marijuana at all. Caused too much panic and elevated the symptoms. But I was really panicking and elevating and I asked a neighbor for a 5 mg Valium. This did nothing. I took a shower, went outside and even breathed in and out of a bag. Nothing worked. I was shaking and sweating and called 911 and they sent an ambulance over.
In the hospital when they would ask me to describe my symptoms all I could say was I feel like I am dying. I asked to please be monitored but not drugged do that I could be more coherent of my experience. I am still amazed that I was not admitted throughout this process. The doctor on duty probably saved my life because he gave me an order for Klonopin 5mg tid. This began to alleviate the symptoms. I had a one week supply and when I ran out I called emergency and was told to come in to be evaluated for a refill. I was refused and went home and had a full blown seizure. There were people there and I asked them to come in and monitor me. I was talking gibberish and sweating profusely and then began to shake violently. By this time I knew when the shaking began it was signaling the end of the seizure. So, though it is the scariest part to watch, it was almost a relief to me because I knew I was coming back into my reality.
I then began to demand some kind of treatment or medication to stay alive. I told them I was a reasonable man in an unreasonable situation. Fortunately, I was introduced to a woman named Carla Mason NCO rep at the hospital. I also contacted a a lawyer and explained the situation. Finally, I was using neighbors Valium to maintain some consistency. By June 1st, this was reconciled.
I feel confident with my doctor and she gave me a supply of Klonopin 5mg on script tid and that had made life semi normal. But I have my disorientation and problems on the upper left side of my body. I also have trouble writing. I am left handed and sometime the words don't come out correctly and I have never had trouble spelling before. Many times, I feel like I am going to pass out but I stay close to home and lay down and turn off all lights and sounds. Fast moving objects or conversations will disorient me. So I am pretty much isolated at this point. I went from 150 down to 132 in about 2 weeks. I am now at 138. I feel more in control of the situation than I did in the beginning but I am terrified about having another attack to I take the Klonopin tid. I use no other medications. I gave up nicotine as well and coffee and marijuana. When I used these substances in occasionally, they make me symptomatic. I can type quite well because I will compensate with my right hand and I have spell checker.
My worst disorientation is in the mornings. I just feel way outside my mind. Hollow. My left side dystrophy will occur about noon. I will nap to relive the symptoms and take an afternoon dose. Night are fairly normalized now. I rarely use the phone, I type profusely for therapy and walk my dog. I am obviously not up to full strength. My most difficult concern is I have lost most of my social outlets because of the hallucinations and flashbacks that I was having. They have mostly subsided. My dreams are not as disturbing but the social damage was done. I was pretty much classified as a mental case with no diagnosis. I have no history of such. I have a seizure history that has accelerated dramatically in the last few years particularly the last two months. On a last not, I have a younger sister who had minor epilepsy as a child as was treated with Tegretol but she is 40 now and had no symptoms.
I wish I had more medical history to bring to the table but this is it. I appreciate anything you can do for me. I don't envision a simple diagnosis but I am not a doctor.
Thank you,