LifeWave rankings
SuzanneSomers rankings
LifesMiracle rankings
David-stick to being a data theft scam artist
Suzanne-silly putty works as well as plastic
Stephen-go back to plumbing
Boy you people are assholes. Especially when David sucked you up.
Stephen, how was the lawsuit. Got a few going after you but it looks like you're going broke.
Suzanne, you do see how you got took sweetie.
And David now that you instituted legacy for my group, were going to sue the shit out of you. I have all of Stephens emails where he indicates the illegalities. He's the extortionist but you are a criminal.
I just want to spin my emails. You guys all talk too much. Sue me. Who gives a shit. I have all kinds of details and I'm waiting for the chance.
Whole Lotta Fuckheads!