stabilizing. best thing would be acute anxiety precipitated by a moderate event elevated by to much smoking and little food, did not hit my head.
don't want anyone's feelings hurt because right now I feel all that and feel the love too.
I let you go. I trust and makes me feel safe so it is working but I don't want to take up too much of your time .it is like my life flashed before me and I got stuck here. very surrealistic but I have to just keep floating this parameter of reality.
I have been looking for that picture online. I found one of Mrs. Heinlein when she was young and nude. Robert claims it is a showgirl from the 40's but I know, it hung in my bathroom there so how could I forget it?
moved to the city in 79. can't say I graduated. but I got illuminated. worked a kEST radio. radio staion in pent house of sanfrancisco hotel. made it through the quake. up in the penthouse you see, EST. Werner major ego
. We would do anything by the way. So I got them on gospel overnight. Big John. Pouncey 300 hundred pounds of fun. Sly Stone's brother. More buildings when we were there of course. Pouncey like to window peek the rooms and we were way on top so could see it all. there was a glass house on the roof. old time glass nursery. must have been plush. we used to trip on the stars. moved a lot of coke on that roof. night and day.

My favorite was this preacher woman black at night. Can't remember her name but she was a client of Landry's. Five two funny black guy. Sister Evangeline. That's right! Her standard line was:
She was onto something. She was on something too. All the time. Run by a Jewish shell company in Minneola NY but they all were at the time. Tom, my buddy from Detroit, did the running. Played music. Bisexual. Hooked up with Suzie. Both got AIDS and died young. Him first. Suzie was cool. Very nice looking. One of the first women to get it. Went to Kinshasa with a man named Franz and they traveled the whole AIDS corridor doing what they could. Franz was older. Got to be like 70 now. I know he's alive because SilkRoc is Silky and Rocky's email. Franz has money and always made sure Silky had a place to live. Nice places. Silky does crack now. She lost her step dad tom (we called him Nolan) and mom. bright girl. so I shout out to her to let her know I remember. about 37.
This was after the StonesTown coke rage. Mary Seaver came in after. very good connection. right off the docks. this is market street about 2 miles from the bay. That's EST radio. 500 watts. just enough to let them know when it was snowing on the roof. Mary hung out with Caesar. That was complicated because of course he was gay as they get. smart young. very difficult personality on Courvasiere and coke. needless to say i kept him out of site. Argentinean queens got a thing for big black guys and black guys seem to have a thing for about anything. That's where Sister Evangeline fit in. Little thang. Cute. Like to praise the lord in the late hours. She just did not want everyone getting sick. Don't ask me why I'm not HIV. Just not. But really scared in those days. They found me Mike.
Do you remember these people. Stephen Ruth Ohanessian 68. Grandma Ruth's daughter. She is in a home now. Stephen moved more heroin on the coast than anyone I believe. Part of the Pahlavi family and in the family business. Shah of Iran 1979. Like his Uncle or something. Persian. He's retired and if Mom goes broke they owe her money and I think Stephen will pay. He is just a grandfather not in a big house in the Palisades. We're tracking each other (Stephen). So I get info.
Just had my first piece of meet in 3 years. Giving vegetarians bad name. I am missing something in my diet. I appreciate you letting me write. More than you know. Mom tell you I got pretty sick. About 3 years ago. Same thing. Different. Didn't seem so acute. But I had problems lost a lot of weight. Got better. Actually good. Gave up meat. Cleaned out my body. Never gained weight from 145. Last ten days have been hell. Just shakes and I can't risk loss of iron, salt, b's etc. Lost weight of course and I want to handle this as sub critical. Meaning weight loss and vitamin deficiency might really do harm. I'm talking to myself you know but I know you listen. Thank you very much because today was good. I am tired. I love you and I appreciate you taking the time because it is just coming out like water..