I not afraid of demons, bullshit, scam artists or lawyers. I think the worst out there are people selling hope and plying religion as an emotion. "Oh Susanna, o don't you cry for me"
Cry for yourself. You got hustled. You are better than that girl. Sick people want to get better. They are hurt by false hope. That is cruel. I know.
7 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
By | Robert |
Anytime I hear about current applications of medical Nano technology, Bioenergy, and Acupuncture Meridians my skeptical brain goes into overdrive. A quick search on the Internet for LifeWave revealed the product as a Hoax and the creator, Mr. Schmidt, as a fraud. Refer to http://www.worldwidescam.info for more information.
My personal recommendation is not to buy this book. [...]
This is just my personal opinion based on many years of investigation into better health. In the end, you'll have to decide for yourself what products you purchase.
Marie Moreno says:
I have read all of Suzanne's books and have found them all to be useful. But keep in mind, they can be 'out there' if you are not open minded and understand integrative, or non-traditional health care options. i use to think like this person, and until I actually had to go through a serious illness where I had to look at alternative medicine, I was skeptical. I suggest that anyone that is serius about taking control of your own health, should read her books and compile your own rule set to help improve your life.