Most of the people standing outside were doing acid looking in. I was doing acid looking out. Sure it was the late 70's and this was after all part of the college scene.
This is right off Empire Grade for those that don't know. I think they got to him not vice versa. Somebody was supplying the drugs. He didn't have any sources I can tell you that.
But much like Dog a real Libertarian. Dog always was a real trip, if you get my drift. Love you Dog but I want you to look closely.

We went from the acid scene to the rise of fundamentalism and high commodity televangelism. Why did his writing change so much. He was sick during this time and was looking for material. That's why he met me. I was a real character.
I know he was an atheist and stood against the rise of the evangelical machine but Dog and I know they work you from both sides so you got screwed either way.
That's why I like my Big Brother. My human one. He couldn't stand evangelicalism or Heinlein's new stuff. Most people loved one and hated the other. Dog and I know that's how they work the masses. It's called polarization. It screws up the social brain.
No wonder you stayed sane, bro. You know I whacked from both sides, eh? At least now you do.
We are now the outcome of those experiments I fear.
BabyCakes knows I'm not an ant Semite. But all this shit is bouncing back right now. My father also contributed greatly to the formation of the Undivided Eternal City through CBN. He contributions started in 1980.
If you don't think the CIA and Israel are heavily integrated, I don't care. Not time for that now. If you don't think that Israel is heavily involved in American lobbying, you are just plain stupid.
What does this have to do with Heinlein? Who knows. It has to do with me, what I was going through then and what my Dad was going through. I just know he was getting progressively more disturbed by the condition of his life and all the psycho sexual religious kooks and spooks hanging out on the perimeter of the property. He was feeling invaded.
But I will tell you more about the history of modern Israel later. Getting tired.

30th July, 1980

Tue., May 26, 2009 Sivan 3, 5769

I love Jerusalem. I want to get to Yerevan, Armenia through Jerusalem. So do the Palestinians. The have rights too. My friend Naim is Palestinian. Jerusalem is the most contested piece of real estate on the planet since 1000 BC. I know the Bible well. So did Robert.
oh yes you know the Bible but how well do you know yourself. In fact how well do you know the Bible if you don't even know your own brother.
Robert Heinlein summer 1978
You have brothers.
I have one that read a lot of your books.
What is he like
Like the archangel.
I'm not really sure but he is really smart.
His questions were statments. God is like that you know. Doesn't ask, comments. Ponders.
I do not want you to feel cursed.
So all this stuff I am writing about has to do with a conversation I had with him that came too true. Sue me. I'm already dead. I think it was learning Hebrew that started the seizures again. It is a very sacred language to me. Those kinds of concepts cause my brain to flicker. And become intuitive.
Good night Charlie. Different one. Me and my bro know him well. Sleeps with his father. Love you Daddy O.