They liked religion, lsd and lost boys. So I fit the bill. On all counts. I was a pretty cool cat.
UCSC PsyBio Major. One was an instructor. The other was an employer.
We begin the Sin.
Shin (also spelled Šin (šīn) or Sheen)
Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God
The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
Schrödinger's famous thought experiment poses the question: when does a quantum system stop existing as a mixture of states and become one or the other? (More technically, when does the actual quantum state stop being a linear combination of states, each of which resembles different classical states, and instead begins to have a unique classical description?) If the cat survives, it remembers only being alive. But explanations of the EPR experiments that are consistent with standard microscopic quantum mechanics require that macroscopic objects, such as cats and notebooks, do not always have unique classical descriptions. The purpose of the thought experiment is to illustrate this apparent paradox: our intuition says that no observer can be in a mixture of states, yet

1 Kings 10:14
Now the weight of gold which came in to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold.
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,
A.M. 2989-3029 B.C. 1015-975
was six hundred Equal to 4,683,675l 12s 8d. sterling; which was what he got annually in bullion 1Ki 9:28
The beast is Solomon. I think that made him think. Or go crazy.
the funny thing about Christians. they don't know the bible.
Heinlein did but not like me.
To Sail Beyond the Sunset lost on the ark not in space.
You would like his new stuff. After the resurection.
Transfusional. I did not know it was a timeless capability.
Sorry Big Daddy. Time to wake you up. Is that why I got caught in your Cloud?
Oh yeah. I am a little strange. But who can blame me. And Timothy did you ever die?
You guys let me know