I need to talk to you about something. I am having serious problems.
Dog and I got caught up in PsyOp games in Miami and West Coast. Mostly cocaine and lysergia. So he knows how easy it is when you are young.
I told him about Daniel Ellsberg's wife's lover. Mary Seaver. Pseudonym, but she made it up.
"Que pasa Maria."
Hope you are doing well
Argentinian princess. Argentina is weird but we won't go into that. She was running coke for guns into Argentina. Dog knows the game. Miami was not much different in the day.
I need to tell you about why Leary went into stand up in 1980 and Heinlein started writing things like Number of the Beast.
That's Charlie Ash aka BoyPuppy. I was a psyop game but you know how it is when you are young.
I know I'm not a client but you are my friend. I figured out why I am living the plot of Jacob's Ladder. Complex and buried eh? So I am going to communicate just as a friend. Confidentially.
I want to send you some emails and tell you about it. I mean brother, this is the third time in 10 days I have had to go into emergency. So I have to figue it out.
Suzanne. You are not the only Suzie I knew from San Fran. Suzie. Dated Carlos Santana. Hi SilkRoc. I love you Baby. Russian, Potrero Hill. That's where Mary Seaver lived.I know my way around.
I am having flashbacks. Acid Dreams. My memory got wiped and something triggered it very recently. At least I am not dying! But man it has been hard. I want to do it in private and would you tell me how to run with it or tell me to forget.
You will know.
Anyway Suzanne, you are smarter than David because he is only a marketeer. You are much better. But you are probably a more real person than him. He doesn't care about bad publicity. Bob Burtis moved his name up in Google rankings and that was his scam until he met you.
Now young Charlie Ash you have nothing to worry about, I figured some real deep shit out. Not quite. It has nothing to do with you but everything because I wanted to teach you to write. Will let you know.
Still want you to write.
David et al, I have 300 emails I am going to blow. You talk to much and guess what? Why the fuck would you ever write me back. Eathquakes David. I got you in my pocket. I know you are not a real doctor but I don't care. Your no cult hero. You are an idiot and it is as far as you will go because you won't be able to tag bad publicity off my blog. We will do it in private. Calling you out. Are your lawyers even real?
I doing Cloud Control. You got in MY cloud and when I was dying I started to do Cloud Control. Clean out the cyberspace in case I die.
You asked me about legacy. Allan? Try this. Don't leave your bullshit in on servers around the world.
You can be resurrected.