Bob, legal problems? I saw you removed your LifeWave novel. Too bad we can't collaborate. I see you are all over Stephen E. Smith. The plumber. But you know what. He's got something with his new product and I hope he makes it.
You guys should check it out. He knows a lot about water. Not your average plumber. I don't work for him. I don't like him. But credit where it is due. He is diligent, hardworking and very social guy with typical Bay area personality disorders. For the record Stephen. That not a cause for legal action. It's an endorsement not slander.
He's not a bad guy. You should hit him a little harder though. He plays verbal abuse. Blue collar bullshit. But just another PussyCat Doll.
Sorry Stephen. Be careful who you threaten and send too many emails. You thought you could use me to pull material for your suit against LifeWave while you were screwing your downline.
I got better things to do. But remember, I have all that material too. So I hope your legal NDA with LifeWave was retroactive.
You guys are all such bullshit.
You know where I live. Gary said I scare you. Big Blue Collar. Haven't even started. I know several people who have legal claims against you.