Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Speaking of patches, Princess

Suzanne, I noticed you have not integrated your lifewave website. Perhaps you are embarrassed. Do you see what they are doing on the internet. That would be the biggest concern to me. You can't afford the reputation. David can. I always told him he should put caricatures on the patures to make them more sexy. That's what I think he did to you. Patch Princes. What an honor! C'mon. Which would you want to wear on your arm.

I that David narrating? He's connecting you with his product. That means he's connecting you to data extortion. I know a professional world class leader in seismic technology that he hacked.

That's how he does things you know.

The chicks dig you David? I thinks it's the guys because you are an asshole.

Dr. Haltiwanger. Perscrition drug fraud. That's why he's doing this. Halt his wanger too, Princess. He is farm raised cow trained. Not like a chickie from San Francisco who actually has erotic attraction to humans. Vice versa, babe, You are a cool chick. Don't let these guys take you down.

They love to tie you into the patches

Suzanne Somers Loves The LifeWave Patches

In case you haven't heard, actress Suzanne Somers has written another book. This one's called "Breakthrough. 8 Steps to Wellness." And she devotes an entire chapter to the Lifewave patches and interviews their inventor, David Schmidt. She herself has been wearing the patches for 2 years. Here is a brief description of her new book:

"In interviews with the most progressive doctors in the field of anti-aging medicine, #1 New York Times bestselling author and trusted health advocate Suzanne Somers uncovers enlightening, lifesaving information. Spending the time that you just won't have with your own doctor in today's challenged medical environment, she shares the 8 STEPS TO WELLNESS formed from the extensive research she's done with these physicians practicing 'Breakthrough' medicine."

Here's what Suzanne says about her own experience with the patches:

"I have been using these nondrug patches for pain, sleep, energy, appetite control, and detoxification for the past two years and I can't say enough about them. After you read this interview {with David Schmidt} you are going to want to run to his website to get some for yourself. Sometimes things are too good to
be true; these patches are simply good and true."

And more!

PublicitySuzanne Somers - Breakthrough
Suzanne Somer's new book "Breakthrough" has an entire chapter devoted to the Lifewave nanotechnology patch products, and the wonderful health benefits that she has personally seen as a result of using them. As many people already know, Suzanne Somers is a natural health advocate, and has successfully beaten cancer by means of incorporating an organic diet and so-called "alternative" therapies into her lifestyle. Unlike much of the medical community that focuses on drugs and surgery, she truly understands the human body's amazing ability to heal itself when simply nourished with the proper energy, nutrients, care, and love. In her new book she interviews numerous doctors who have also come to this conclusion as a result of what they have discovered in their personal medical and healing practices. "Breakthrough" can also be found at



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