Monday, May 18, 2009

This is the game...guess who David.. You're not THAT smart.

Excuse us a minute Suzanne. David, do you remember Rob Newsom CEO when G&S was operating as Come on. Your such a boy genius in an aging body.
Oh yes. It gets ugly quick.

G&S internationally Card services GmbH in liquidation
Station route 21
6300 course
Layout plan | Neighbourhood

Legal form:
Total one with limited liability
Principal one:
CHF 20 ' 000
Last T/plate message:

Authorized to sign one
T/plate messages

Register of Companies excerpt
Soil quality information
Entry in the Register of Companies:
Deletion in the Register of Companies:
Right seat of the company:
Course (ZG)

Earlier company names

* G&S I.C.S. GmbH
* LS in. Holding GmbH

Contribution of services within the range of electronic Zahlungssysteme for the presence and forward transaction, in particular publication of paying-in forms and account of electronic transactions, development of applications within the range payment, Risk and cash management solutions in open nets, marketing and sale of these products as well as all thereby in the connection standing tasks, activities and services; acquire if other enterprises can take part or sell acquired enterprises, acquire real estate properties and securities in other enterprises, administer as well as and to sell, take up and grant, Immaterialgüterrechte place warranties and other collateral to loans to acquire, administer and use
Last T/plate message of the G&S internationally Card services GmbH in liquidation
T/plate: 206/2008 of 23.10.2008
G&S internationally Card services GmbH in liquidation, in course, CH 4-2, limited company (T/plate No. 69 of 11.04.2007, P. 20, publications. 3879414). The society is deleted in application of art. 155 HRegV of office because of, because the society does not have usable active ones more and no justified interest in the maintenance of the entry within set period was made valid.


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