G&S Financial Service Group UK is reputable but Michael is the dark horse of the family. Ousigi. importgenius.com has data collection of all shipments in/out of US.
They are top of food chain of zombie kings.
They backdoor thru offshore servers credit card processing. That's what they do so I use wayback to reconstruct.
China and Caribbean obviously.
Problem is they have gone from idt to extortion. It is the wave. Much more money with high profile.
I bet these people have collected several hundred million names and profiles.
They have this peculiar habit of using names of disappeared ones from South American Fascist regimes. Very Dark.
Suzanne will get eaten up by them. She is being seduced but this is the book Cloud Control and I am giving her a chance to NDA. I will get hits though. Lots of them.
They won't touch me. They know I don't back down and they are not THAT smart. But they know how to do deep hacking. They can do electrical grid hacking and weird things like that so they are a very real security threat globally. I'm threading them out for a legal confrontation. People and businesses are so fucking gullible when it comes to this shit. But they are very hard to prosecute because of their multidimensional countries of origin in terms of server location and citizenry.
Check out CraigsList. You can buy anything or anyone with a credit card. You are generally being transacted outside the jurisdiction of the US. But you are open to extortion. Ergo, overt virtual extortion themes.
gsglobal.ch from wayback
G&S Financial Service Group being held by the Gastauer Family was founded by Michael Raimund Gastauer III., in order to bring several leading specialists, with many years successful international experience in financial services, together to form a strong partner.
Our clients comprise leading business families and their companies from the most varied branches of industry and services, as well as various state and private organizations. Our task is to employ our proven expertise to provide our clients, from our own resources, with answers to their financial and economic concerns, tailored to their individual circumstances.
In association with our partner banks and advisors, we are represented in all important financial centers of the world, and can provide our services to the highest quality world-wide. Our close strategic co-operation and integration in several specialist interest groups ensures that our services and products are of uniform high quality throughout the world.
Several other financial services companies in the group are regionally oriented and offer their services under their own trade names. With such a flexible and distinct structure we are in a position to serve the most varied requirements of the full range of markets, bearing also future developments in the coming years in mind.
G&S ICS Ltd., a subsidiary of G&S Financial Service Group Ltd., delivers complete, secure and easy-to-use e-commerce solutions that enable you to launch your online business quickly and easily. To begin selling on the internet, we provide internet merchant accounts for online credit card processing, payment gateways and storefronts, as well as fraud protection and risk management applications to protect your business.
We offer internet merchant accounts in the USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Asia and offshore.
We are specialized in offshore merchant accounts as well as high risk and high volume merchant accounts. See our additional information on merchant accounts.
Important legal information - please read the disclaimer before proceeding.
Products and services in these webpages may not be available for residents of certain nations. Please consult the sales restrictions relating to the service in question for further information.
Copyright by G&S Financial Service Group Ltd. 2004 - All rights reserved.+
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Import Genius provides timely, detailed shipment data for every container that enters the United States. Our user base is diverse: importers, exporters, entrepreneurs, freight forwarders, bankers, private investigators, foreign factories, and more.
Benefits of Subscribing Import Genius over the competition- Access to data on every ocean container entering the U.S.
- Simple, ultra-fast search interface
- Search by competitor's name, supplier's name, product type and more.
- Affordable premium subscriptions
- Export to MS Excel allows rigorous quantitative analysis
ImportGenius empowers your business with actionable data about your overseas suppliers and domestic competitors. Based in Phoenix, Arizona, our team combines seasoned veterans of the import-export business with a group of cutting edge software application developers.
The result is the world's most powerful and accessible database of international trade intelligence.
We know the value of our data because our team spent years in the import-export business, just wishing they could access information about who was supplying our competitors.
We also realized that thousands of other businesses--large and small--would also benefit from access to more data about their suppliers, customers and competitors. In 2007, we fulfilled that vision with the creation of ImportScan, the world's most powerful competitive intelligence tool for the import-export industry.
Whether you are looking to keep tabs on competitors, identify suppliers, conduct market research or generate sales leads, our easy-to-use online tool makes it easy.
We give you access to records on all ocean freight shipments entering the United States. You can search the database by the importer's name, supplier's name, product type and more to find exactly the information you need.
Within minutes of subscribing, you'll have access to lists of all of your competitors' suppliers and all of your suppliers' U.S. customers. We provide detailed contact information for both the shipping and receiving parties, along with information about the product type, dimensions, and units per container.
Knowledge is power, and Import Genius provides empowering information. In the fast-paced world of global trade, the players with the most information make the best decisions. Be smart. Choose Import Genius.