Monday, May 18, 2009

Did you get rid of Bill Grand

David, Are you still using BCR. Of course not! You're using Suzanne. I'm giving myself away. Email me. I have more....

I am anxious for resolution. My counter request remains open as I have valid concerns and information of security and data breach between LifeWave, GlobalClear and BCR. In addition, there are several supporting distributors with concerns and information. I have been advised to not provide disclosure of sensitive personal data until further notice. Refusal remains formal and open. I am aware from Randy Ray and several high level distributors such information has not and will not be provided. Targeting me is selective with recourse.

Do you remember the conversation. It is, of course, documented.

We have the option to terminate a distributor who does not supply us with the information we require to do our job and to satisfy government rules and regulations. Your refusal is a breach of our ability to satisfy the requirements placed on us.

Bank Fraud In Romania
In 2005 the most complex case of bank fraud was
registered. The prosecution of Bucharest company
administrators and bank personnel was finalized in
July; the accusation was of illegal creditation and the
failure to follow their destination by the Romanian
Commercial Bank, Romanian International Bank and
the Romanian Bank. The estimated prejudice was of
over 243, 1 million RON (about 70 million Euros).
The file was elaborated pursuant to the fraud
intimation reported against BCR- the Novaci (Gorj)
creditation or transgression of the bank regulations,
all worth 78, 8 million RON (788 billion lei). The fraud
was possible because of the implication of BCR, RIB
and the Romanian Bank employees, who were in
documentation, granting and approval of over 350
credits, worth 192,6 million RON (1.926 billion

The most frequent frauds with witch the Romanian
banks are confronted are bank cards fraud. There
are the cases when the cards are copied and forged,
PIN codes are stolen and banking operations made. It
is a well known phenomenon and all the Romanian
banks face


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